6-Steps To Reconnect with Your Business's Core Values


In business, aligning with our core values isn't just a practice; it's a reflection of our true selves. Authenticity connects us with ideal clients and shapes our brand to be a true reflection of who we are. However, in the pursuit of success, it's easy to stray from this authenticity. The desire for rapid growth or comparing ourselves to others can lead us to lose touch with our unique voice, brand, and messaging.


Step 1: Identify Your Core Values

Your core values are the essence of who you are. Understanding them makes serving your ideal clients natural and effective. These values guide your branding, messaging, and niche, attracting the right clients through resonant messaging. Reflect on your initial motivations and the feelings you want clients to experience with your brand. 

For example, my brand's core values include Authenticity, Empowerment, Fulfillment, Integrity, and more, shaping a brand committed to holistic success.


 Step 2: Evaluate Current Business Practices

Align your business model with your values.

For instance, work with clients who share your values, promote a balanced business model, and use marketing strategies that mirror your commitment to authenticity. 

Start by listing areas where your values can be integrated more deeply into your business. 

Need help? Reach out to me on IG (@kaylajduncan) – I’d love to brainstorm with you!


Step 3: Set Goals Aligned with Your Values

Aligning goals with your values ensures you stay true to yourself and build a fulfilling business. 

For instance, my goal is to help 100 women entrepreneurs integrate their faith and ethics into successful business models in the next year. 

What are your value-aligned goals?


Step 4: Implement Changes

Let go of any offer or system that doesn't align with your core values to create a cohesive brand experience to enhance client retention and income. 

If it's hard to let go of a service, think about how you can adjust it to better fit your values.


Step 5: Communicate Changes to Your Team and Audience

Pivot openly, not silently. 

Share your journey with your audience and clients.

 Use Instagram Stories, blogs, emails, or live sessions in your community to discuss updates. 

I love sharing shifts in my business within my private community, where I teach, share, and create a collective journey.


Step 6: Regularly Review and Adjust

Conduct quarterly audits of your brand, messaging, offers, and systems to ensure alignment with your vision and values. Evolve and adapt as you and your brand grow.

Reconnecting with your core values is essential for a fulfilling and authentic business experience. Reflect on these steps to ensure your business remains a true representation of who you are and what you stand for.


If you found this blog helpful, pass it on to others who might benefit from aligning their business with their core values.

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